Sectors of Business
Super Strong Roads with Minimal Maintenance
Puratonix Natural Magic WeavKare
Metals - including Copper & Aluminium
Food Items & Coffee
Trust and Responsibility -
Are our standing mottoes in business. Vendini Incorporated is a strong, family company, built by like-minded professionals. We have enjoyed years of prosperous relationships and have shown to be leaders in our specific industries.
Corporate Acumen -
Our clients are the most important part of our business. We carefully asses our clients organisation and move to understand their commercial holistic needs. Thus, a fit for purpose solution is realised while adding critical and personal service.
Execution -
Our intentions are not fixated on re-inventing the wheel, more over our pursuits based on a necessity for improved methods and accountable practices. Practices that save money, the environment and time.
Execution, Responsibility, Trust and Understanding
These beliefs drive our pursuit to always provide the best Solutions & Technology offerings in the market today. New Scientific processes have unimaginably advanced our lives, assisting humanity in every way possible and simplified innovations thought once impossible.
Vendini Incorporated provides the latest Innovations & Technology.
Our scope of business extends into many sectors such as the Latest in LED technology and construction materials, new innovations in medical equipment, sterilising technology and maintenance of sterile environments, disinfecting products and solutions, the list is far more than can be mentioned here!
Vendini Incorporated strives for the ultimate goal of extending and actively passing on the
benefits of advanced technology, not only on a commercial scale but to the community at large.
Technological breakthroughs and benefits are crucial in today's world.
Get in touch
Registered Office: 3301 Chetumal Street, Belize City, Belize, Central America
Company Number: 000011047